Divorce Mediation
Divorce Mediation
Divorce Mediation is a specialized service for couples that are considering separation and divorce. This decision can be a very stressful and costly experience for the entire family. Mediation can provide a much more therapeutic and affordable alternative to the traditional process of legal litigation. This unique approach enables couples to engage in dialogue, resolve disputes, and create equitable solutions. These strategies can ultimately result in a mutually satisfactory settlement agreement. This collaborative outcome provides fair division of financial assets, alimony, child support, and co-parenting/custody issues.
Bronwyn has completed her forty hours of accredited divorce mediation with NJAPAM in 2015. She is also a member of ABANJAPM.
230 East 73rd Street, Suite 1A, New York 10021
224 Lorraine Avenue Upper Montclair NJ 07043
212.988.9824 | 973.783.3838 ext.2